Insights from Water Buffalo…

Insights from Water Buffalo…
~Size is an illusion. Go deeper; see what is inside
~Be comfortable in your strength; don’t be afraid to be confident
~Let others be: it’s okay to be aware of what’s going on and to look out for others, but no need to be intrusive
~Be the safety, security, strength for others

Which one of these insights speaks to your heart and soul right now?
The animals bring these insights forward for you to understand and apply in your own unique way.
What is most important is what they mean to YOU.

Can you find a place in your life today that wants you to apply one of these messages?

 You may find additional ideas or insights in Karen’s interpretation:

~Size is an illusion. Go deeper; see what is inside

Do you let your physical appearance dictate who you are in the world? Does it empower you or discourage you? Either way, it may be time to learn that your appearance has no bearing on your capabilities or your worth. Your confidence, your passion, your honesty is what makes your appearance grand, not the physical self. This is true for you, for me, and for everyone you meet. Don’t be afraid to let your True Self shine through your body, but also know this about others and look past the physical appearance to what you find inside that person.

~Be comfortable in your strength; don’t be afraid to be confident

Power is good when used responsibly, it is the misuse of power that people are afraid of. Use your power for Good, take a stand and follow through with it. It is admirable to be strong while also being compassionate and kind.

~Let others be: it’s okay to be aware of what’s going on and to look out for others, but no need to be intrusive

Do you meddle in others’ affairs? If so, why? It’s good to be caring, but pure curiosity often leads to judgement and gossip. Check that others are okay, and then leave them be, it is none of your business how their life unfolds.

~Be the safety, security, strength for others

We are part of a social network and sometimes others need us to be there for them, just as we may need them one day. Don’t be afraid to open your doors to help another in a time of crisis. We need each other to get through life; we can’t do it alone.


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