Insights from Mallard Duck…

Insights from Mallard Duck…
~Stop feeding us junk
~Let the water roll off your back; why allow things to cling to you?
~Go with the flow or get out and walk: why fight upstream?
~Your differences are your beauty; appreciate them

Which one of these insights speaks to your heart and soul right now?
The animals bring these insights forward for you to understand and apply in your own unique way.
What is most important is what they mean to YOU.

Can you find a place in your life today that wants you to apply one of these messages?

 You may find additional ideas or insights in Karen’s interpretation:

~Stop feeding us junk

The ducks let me know they will eat almost anything you give them, because they don’t realize it’s the food causing their health issues. Just like you and I, ducks need nutritive foods, not just filling foods. True for us too – our physical, spiritual and mental food as well! In order to be well-rounded and well, pay attention to the information you allow in.

~Let the water roll off your back; why allow things to cling to you?

Ducks swim through dirty, contaminated water often, yet it rarely affects them. They allow the water to literally roll off their back. We can too, if we learn to not take things personally. Other people’s opinions are created from their past experiences, and we really are just the spark that flames their memory. When you realize two people can share the exact same experience but feel completely different about it, you might understand that when someone else is triggered by your actions, their problem is really because of them. Don’t take it personally.

~Go with the flow or get out and walk: why fight upstream?

So often we are determined to make it happen, no matter how hard it is, when we really need to just back off for a bit, and maybe go for a walk. Ducks only swim upstream when it’s easy, otherwise they get out and walk or fly. So why don’t we? We don’t get a prize for fighting an upstream current. When it gets that hard, it’s time to find another way around it.

~Your differences are your beauty; appreciate them

Society tries to define beauty for us through magazines, television, fashion. But if we strive to look like them, we lose our own unique characteristics. And these are what make each of us beautiful – our differences. The male and female mallard are very different in coloring, yet both beautiful in their uniqueness. We need to learn to appreciate the different, for in appreciation comes love, and in love, joy.


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