Insights from Giraffe…
~Embrace your grace and gentleness
~The beauty you see in others is within you
~Use your finest attributes for the good of all
~Your uniqueness makes you beautiful
Which one of these insights speaks to your heart and soul right now?
The animals bring these insights forward for you to understand and apply in your own unique way.
What is most important is what they mean to YOU.
Can you find a place in your life today that wants you to apply one of these messages?
You may find additional ideas or insights in Karen’s interpretation:
~Embrace your grace and gentleness
Grace, kindness, compassion, and gentleness are all signs of strength; to be able to maintain such amidst adversity is truly a sign of inner beauty and confidence. Do not be afraid to let these qualities become you, for they are not weakness but true power.
~The beauty you see in others is within you
Everything you see in something, or someone else, is merely a reflection of you. If you look at a giraffe and think it is beautiful, you can be assured that same beauty exists within you. If you see characteristics that are less than desirable, it is a call to look within and find what part of your life contains that, and then more importantly, to find what you can do to heal it.
~Use your finest attributes for the good of all
As mentioned with zebra, the giraffe is part of a perfect trio with zebra and wildebeest that share each other’s hearing, vision and smell in order to protect each other. What is yours to offer to the greater good? Don’t be afraid to use it and share.
~Your uniqueness makes you beautiful
If a giraffe had thoughts like humans do, they might think they were too tall, gangly, gawky or just plain misfits, but they don’t. And we shouldn’t either. Our uniqueness is our divine gift from God and should be cherished as so. This is what makes you stand out and recognizable to your unique tribe, to the people that will cherish you as you are. Instead of trying to hide what we consider our faults, look at them as gifts to share with those that have none. Differences are interesting and beautiful.