Insights from Fox…
~Be alert and aware
~Know when it’s time to go invisible- being seen is not always to your advantage
~Keep a low profile
~Beauty is not just a look or appearance
Which one of these insights speaks to your heart and soul right now?
The animals bring these insights forward for you to understand and apply in your own unique way.
What is most important is what they mean to YOU.
Can you find a place in your life today that wants you to apply one of these messages?
You may find additional ideas or insights in Karen’s interpretation:
~Be alert and aware
What has been hanging out on the sidelines that you’re not paying attention to? It’s time to really look and see everything around you. Don’t allow people, places or things to become mundane and camouflaged – any one piece of it can contain important information for you, good or bad. Changing your routine helps bring even the little things into awareness.
~Know when it’s time to go invisible- being seen is not always to your advantage
Predators, whether real or mind-made, look for easy targets. Learn to discern the appropriate times to stand up for your beliefs versus being a quiet supporter. Pick your battles wisely in order to win the most important ones.
~Keep a low profile
Again, it’s not always advantageous to announce the details of your existence to the entire world. You can get more done by keeping under the radar until the most important of issues surface. Being quiet and mindful in your daily work allows more energy for your true passions.
~Beauty is not just a look or appearance
Don’t follow fashion and pop-culture trends to try and be beautiful, stealing from another doesn’t help your innate beauty, it only disguises it. Be yourself and your natural beauty will shine forth, authenticity and love can’t help but be beautiful.
The Animals Talk and Insights from the Animals ServiceMark (SM) 2016 All rights reserved Karen Cleveland C2016 All messages from the animals are messages that Animal Communicator Karen Cleveland has received personally from the animals. It may have been one or more animal ambassador speaking directly to Karen, or it may have been the animal species consciousness, or deva, communicating with her.