Insights from Brook Trout…
~Save your reserves for where the current is worst
~Be discerning
~Your instincts are your greatest asset
Which one of these insights speaks to your heart and soul right now?
The animals bring these insights forward for you to understand and apply in your own unique way.
What is most important is what they mean to YOU.
Can you find a place in your life today that wants you to apply one of these messages?
You may find additional ideas or insights in Karen’s interpretation:
~Save your reserves for where the current is worst
Another way to say this is “pick your battles”. It’s great to take a stand on something, and be behind it all the way, but you can’t do that for everything in life or you’d lose energy, and credibility. Know what is most important to you and give way on some of the other things. You don’t always need to be right.
~Be discerning
Pursuing every flashy object might land you on a dinner plate, or rather, in trouble or debt or ill health. Discernment is having just enough skepticism to be wary, but not so much that you never take a risk.
~Your instincts are your greatest asset
Just as most brown trout trust their instincts to lead them upstream to spawning grounds, you can trust your own. Imagine for a moment you are a trout, and you have no idea why you are going where you are swimming to, but you just go because you must. What would you be doing right now if you did what felt automatic and natural? Pay attention: you might want to head that direction. Don’t dismiss your natural ability to steer your life.