Insights from Bat …

Insights from Bat …

~It’s time to spread your wings and go (be) free

 ~Trust your inner guidance, not the visual cues around you, tap into the deep and true guidance system within you

~Understand each natural action has a divinely great outcome

~Get along – serve each other

Which one of these insights speaks to your heart and soul right now?
The animals bring these insights forward for you to understand and apply in your own unique way.
What is most important is what they mean to YOU.

Can you find a place in your life today that wants you to apply one of these messages?

 You may find additional ideas or insights in Karen’s interpretation:

~It’s time to spread your wings and go (be) free

Are you waiting for permission from someone to set out on your hearts journey?  There will always be someone who doesn’t want you to go, but remember this is your journey to live, not theirs. Go now, be you, be free.

 ~Trust your inner guidance, not the visual cues around you, tap into the deep and true guidance system within you

Appearances can be so misleading.  If you have a big decision to make close your eyes and be still, put your hands on your gut and listen to what it says about the situation. You have all the answers within, learn to follow that natural wisdom.

~Understand each natural action has a divinely great outcome

While some people find bats scary, they are very useful to our farmers and land.  Being natural pest predators and produce pollinators, bats set a great example in allowing the beauty and function of nature to be.  Remember everything you do follows the rules of natural law, so consider the outcomes of your actions before committing them. Think: is that what I really want to happen?

~Get along, serve each other

It’s tough to do it all alone. You don’t need to befriend everyone, but collaboration can go a long way in accomplishing even small goals. Ask for help, offer help and learn the satisfaction of reciprocity.

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